Monday, November 30, 2009

This commercial shows a fallacy of hasty generalization, the robot is saying that the future shop employee is a techno geek, and that pretty much states that anyone who works at future shop know everything they need to know about computers and anything electronic. The thing with the insults is what makes people laugh and draws people in so they remember the ad. This ad also has the signature music of future shop, so when people hear it the automatically thing of future shop. The end where they show the red back round with the name also is a signature thing of future shop that people recognize. They also use loaded language to make it seem like the employee is smart and know what he is talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Straightforward assessment. You don't need to summarize the parts. I thought the robot was referring to the customer at first. It sort of becomes reverse loaded language, doesn't it?
